Thursday, May 30, 2024


Let's close out a rather macabre May 2024 with a proper offering to the ancient elder comic book gods of horror, from the April 1953 issue of Chilling Tales #15, and featuring art by Vince Napoli. Tomb in all next month for lots more terrifyin' treats, and we here at The Horrors of it All hope that everyone enjoyed the selection of posts this month...


  1. ... as it turns out!

    Arts a bit slapdash and the terrible coloring doesn't help but the tree monster on page 5 makes up for it! That's a really good horror image!

    BTW, while I find the coloring pretty bad overall, I have to say the off register reds give the whole thing a real dream quality to it, which works in the story's favor!

    Poor lil' people of Stonehenge, they never get a historical break, do they? If you only read 50s horror comics you'd get a pretty inaccurate picture of them!

  2. I think I've heard a dozen times that the Druids never used Stonehenge, but of course I've heard that they did use those sacred groves. This story has it both ways.

  3. I definitely love all the gnarly trees, even before they come to life. The splash and especially page three are pretty excellent for creepy copses. I also dig the color-coded druids on page four. My early sci-fi TV education tells me which is the security druid, the science druid, the captain. Story-wise, I'm delighted by the twist ending here. Oh yeah, we know exactly what's happening all along, but the final panel comes as a total surprise to the main character. Since he's the first-person POV, I guess that counts.

  4. PS, wild Matt Fox cover on this ish.

  5. >wild Matt Fox cover on this ish


    Okay, as mentioned there's lots more lined up for June, including a supernatural superhero leftover from April which I think I'll post first... stick around!
