Saturday, January 6, 2024

We Can Hardly Wait

It's back to the 'ol gruesome graveyard again, as THOIA continues now with our Atlas 2024 Festival of Fright... and hey, is that the dinner bell of doom I hear a'ringin'? Bon apetit, my friends, --via a different kind of graverobber! From the June 1953 issue of Adventures into Terror #20.


  1. Nice story… I mean maggots gotta eat too!

  2. Nice. And only a few panels were bird's-eye views!

    Pretty solid pencils from Unknown. I especially liked the textured sky in many panels. I guess the letterer did that awesome title treatment. I'm a little less into the prosaic coloring this time, but appreciate the way all the funeral attendees in panel three look like toy soldiers.

    Happy Epiphany (though I guess I waited all the way to Orthodox Christmas to comment)!

  3. Is this one sweet? I kind of think it is. Yeah, the plausibility of the worms and such aside, I really like the story. It's just a fun view of a burial from the side of the critters that eat the body.

    I like how frustrated they are with the speed of things, and how they know the pattern well by now. "The Old Grandstand Act!" Ha!

    This is the kind of perfect 4-pager that flips the horror script a bit, a nice change of pace.

  4. An unsettling visual of the old creepy tune 'the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out'.

    One never knows what uncomfortable tales are hiding in old horror comics.
