Sunday, January 30, 2022

Return of the Sick Ghost Stories

 Is it true? Is Blogger actually working correctly and allowing clicked-on images to enlarge again? It only took a freakin' year and 3 months to fix it... anyway, HURRAH! A huge thank you to Mr. Cavin for pointing it out to me too, as I probably would've never noticed because it's apparently been working right since last Thursday over at AEET.

THOIA rises from the dead! More posts coming up shortly...


  1. Super excellent news, man. I sure hope it all stays fixed from here on out.

  2. Me too! And seriously, thank you again for letting me know! 😊

  3. Welcome back! Also, cute comic! Reminds me of a sketch me and an ex-friend did years back with some Barbie dolls and other creatures in regards to the beliefs of monsters under the bed and humans over the bed.

  4. WAH-HOO!

    Sick human tales, i.e., a history book!

    Now off to sacrifice an electronic goat to the great google gods that a software update doesn't bonk this again!

  5. I was so quick to do a test post to see if things were really working, I forgot to mention this one-pager is from the July 1976 issue of Haunted #28.

    Okay, fingers crossed things (like image size / formatting) don't get bonked again, as Brian called it, haha... thanks to everyone who continued to check in from time to time and message me and leave comments. You guys are the best! :)
