Saturday, September 1, 2018

R.I.P Marie Severin

Unsung hero, and secret weapon at EC and Marvel... thank you for coloring our world. R.I.P.


  1. Modern coloring starts with her at EC, not even counting how important she was at the Marvel Bullpen. RIP.

  2. Steve Ditko, Russ Heath, now Marie Severin, the world of comics is suffering one of its worst years.

  3. RIP Gary Friedrich too... Ghost Rider was the first “superhero” title I ever collected in a complete run (original series.) He lived not far from me somewhere here in MO, as I’d run into to him occasionally at flea markets etc. Oh what a year, indeed!

  4. The comics community is really taking it on the chin this year.

  5. Yeah, this has been brutal.

    Hopefully somebody with E.C. reprint rights will publish a huge glossy book of scans that really show Marie's stuff off. It's long overdue--especially in light of the myriad E.C. reprints that have totally expunged her work (which is, as far as I know, all of them).

    For now I think I'm going to seek out the Masterworks collections of Not Brand Echh as a solemn memorial.
