Friday, July 31, 2015

Who Goes There?

Everyone's driving me crazy with their endless babble about the unbearable weather this summer. I guess we should all be glad we're not in Iran right now, where apparently it got up to a record breaking 165 degrees today! At least you could cook a kebab right ON the street. So, to help cool things down a bit, THOIA presents this finely frozen Whitman comic adaptation of John W. Campbell's "Who Goes There?", found in the pages of Starstream #1 from 1976-- art by Jack Abel. The contents page states: "The original, un-Hollywoodized version of the story on which the classic horror movie THE THING was based." Of course, a few years later we got the fantastic John Carpenter film, which is much closer to the Campbell version than the still cool Hawk's '51 version. (FYI: For a golden age ACG comic spin on this tale, check out "Beast from the Beyond" posted HERE waaaay back in 2007.) Anyway, maybe someday we'll get some more imitation visitations from The Thing on the big screen, but in the meantime, break-out the thermals and mittens, kittens, things are gonna get really chilly-willy around here!


  1. "It lives! Monster Blood!" Now there's a good band name!

    This is a good adaptation. Keeping track of the vast amount of characters in a short comic is hard, and the opening splash foreground/background is a bit confusing, but other than that, no real complaints. It's a good read and maintains a lot of tension.

  2. All I can say is its a great adaptation, Thanks Karswell!

  3. It's not only a decent adaptation of my favorite science fiction horror story, but the cover by Richard Powers is tremendous. Thanks.

  4. I love all adaptations of this story (and I would have loved for this one to have been even longer frankly--fleshed out into one of those thirty-two-page Gold Key movie adaptations from the sixties). My favorite this about this, though, is that Richard Powers cover. Man that's good Thing art. Looking over the other issues of STARSTREAM, I see they are all really interesting looking. I can't believe it, but I'm not sure I've ever even seen this title before. Have to seen them out!

  5. I have another one from this series lined up next, hope you guys like creepy sci fi horror 😈

  6. I have that comic book and a few other Starstream ones.
