Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jack Davis

The Horrors of it All wishes legendary illustrator Jack Davis a wonderful retirement, and eternal thanks for the years of outstanding work that will forever inspire and entertain.

Simply The Greatest.



  1. So many things could be said about the wonderful Mr. Davis, but he had everything an artist should have:

    1. An easily recognizable style
    2. But a style that could be retrofitted to almost any story style
    3. Blazing speed

    I'll always be a Ghastly fan, but Davis' time at EC (including later Mad) is some of the most influential and incredible art there was.

  2. Wow! What a career! One of my three comic book illustration heroes. Okay, I've got more than that, but he is in the top three. I guess when you're 90, you have to face the facts about retirement... Amazing.

  3. No one deserves happier trails than Jack Davis. A consummate artist, kind professional, and southern gentleman, by god. Thanks for all those years providing the very measure of excellence, sir. I'd toast you with a large iced tea if they had any in this country. Happy retirement, Mr. Davis, I hope it's long and fun.

  4. We like the "Creepy #1" inspired illustration....
    That issue hangs on my wall....
    And he created the "Bugs" for the old Raid ads.... Such a talented artist.... one of my childhood favorites....

  5. I'm afraid I only know him from a fraction as many horror comics as most of you do, but thanks to his COEMDY work I've always been crazy about him.
