Tuesday, December 2, 2014

2014 Ghastly Awards

REMINDER: If you are a horror comic creator looking for some well deserved recognition you still have a few more weeks to submit your work to the 2014 Ghastly Awards! We've added a couple of new categories this year as well, so don't delay!

Click HERE to get all the rules and see how it works!


  1. Well, I hope to be a horror comic creator in 2015 as my sample story will be done by the end of this month and maybe somebody will commission me for a few peanuts and give me a chance. The Ghastly Award is a dream.

    Has Haunted Horror been submitted for a Best Archival Collection award this year? Should be, if so, good luck!

  2. Yep, we submit every year!

    Good luck with your project too!

  3. Is this only for released comics? I have completed a comic but have yet to find a publisher for it.

  4. Rules at the link, Alex... if you've made it available as an online comic it might qualify
