Friday, August 22, 2014

The Horrors of VD & Guns!

Horrific subject matter like STDs and fire arms = no laughing matter. Good thing we have the genius of National Lampoon to put these things into a satirical package and help educate us while making us laugh, or cringe, or sometimes even barf (as NL could sometimes be brilliantly disgusting as well!) Even better when they delivered comic book style articles featuring illustration legends (like Neal Adams on the VD story!) So lighten up-- this is The Horrors of it ALL, after all!

From the Oct '74 issue of National Lampoon Magazine Vol. 55.


  1. W. O. W.
    Wasn't expecting that...

  2. Who are you and what did you do with Karswell? And how did you know to post a piece of VD right on the day I become so sick I can hardly stand? Coincidence??? :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice sexy anti-government racist satire, god bless it. Love the part where the doc is counting his money. Yeee-uck! I always liked the cartoons in the back of the Lampoons best, so I generally ignored the rest of the book. I suspect there is a lot of excellent lampooning I've still got the opportunity to catch up on, then.

  5. More from this issue will be posted over at my other blog this weekend-- stop by and check it out, it's an insanely funny and very naughty issue!

    Sorry to hear about your VD, Brian!

  6. That kitty watching them do it was hilarious.
