Friday, May 9, 2014

The Unexpected! / Pain!

Two killer Atlas tales from the September 1954 issue of Mystic #33-- ominous art on the first story by Ogden Whitney, while the second yarn features the distinctive work of Tony DiPreta. And hurry back this weekend-- our next post will feature details on a long awaited THOIA contest!


  1. A real twist would be if Clyde's aunt survived the fall by landing on him and ended up getting Clyde's heart as a transplant.

    Ralph, the pioneer of the earth first movement. "Stop! You're hurting nature!" even though it was Ralph who swung the axe, cut the flowers and dropped the rock.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Another series that definitely needs the marvel masterworks treatment.

    Both good stories, the first is very much your prototypical EC type story, but the second is your anti-EC story. There isn't so much of a twist, but more of a pithy ending.

    Whitney does a great job with the Aunt, always shrouding her in heavy, spooky shadow.

    Was there a story that matched the cover? It seems to represent the first story ever so slightly, but than that's sometimes the Atlas way. It's a striking image, you could see it jumping off the self.

    "Did It REALLY Happen?" Uh, no.

  4. I love Ogden Whitney. This was a good story greatly drawn--and then somewhat obscured by time and shoddy printing. I would love the see the original line art for page one; the momentum of those bottom two panels are like a lesson in how it's done, as sure as Wood or Toth could've done it.

    The second tale here has a lot of straight-faced Cole-esque elan, artwise, but the work itself suffers some in comparison with the first story. The last three panels are moody and perfect, though. A real-time spooky-doo meditation on finality a decade before its time. It's weird the places you turn up the gems.

  5. Thanks for the comments! Got one more from this issue up next next...

  6. The second story is adapted from a Roald Dahl story "The Sound Machine". No murder in that though- it ends when the tree drops a branch and smashes the machine.
