Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Partners in Blood / Tales from the Comic Book Crack Down

Vampires and hunchbacks highlight this crazy entry from the March 1952 issue of Journey into Fear #6. And after the story, check out the poster for the upcoming Captured Aural Phantasy Theater event at the El Cid on June 1st-- all EC fans in LA are required to attend!! Live renditions of pre code horror tales, music, and other thrilling variety for an evening of uncensored awesomeness! You'll crack UP with Tales from the Comic Book Crack Down! Check out their Facebook page HERE for more info!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really thought the part where the rat saved the day by accidentally falling out of the wall was going to be the most unexpected plot point in the story. But then that last panel, wow. They all got what's coming to 'em by accident! The end!

  3. The lesbian over-tones of this thing must have driven Wertham crazy -- and he was German, too!

    Evidently, the sexier the vampire, the lamer they are. Scared of rats? Check! Easily overcome by a scientist who can barely chase a bat for a minute? Check! Needing to be carried by hunchback? Well, maybe just lazy.

    "A scientist can not be a coward" -- somebody call up Larry Blamire, we've got a line for the next skeleton film.

    One thing I liked about the art: whever the baroness became a vampire, her hair became wild. It's a fun art trick.

    Last page, first panel, evidently to kill a vampire you need to stab the stone next to her!

    Great, silly story. I really love these kind of crazy stories that have a pretty cliche arc but the goofy characters make up for it.

  4. It's really nice hearing someone mention "Fortean" subjects here, like that story Mestiere mentions (I know it well, from places like the John Keel books).
    It's a little surprising when the professor sees a bat and says that it's "probably harmless." You don't always expect someone in a HORROR STORY (even a scientist) to know that there are countless bats in the world that aren't vampire bats.

  5. Maybe I have a one-track mind, but I wonder just a little whether she really WAS his niece. Maybe the professor was married or needed a wholesome public image, so maybe he travelled with a lot of "nieces."

  6. Well, this is as good a time as any for a request. I'm a big Basil Wolverton fan, and thought I'd seen all his sci-fi and horror stories, but I've seen a teaser first page of his story "The Devil Birds" in Mystic 4. Would it be possible to reprint this story?

  7. I love this story! Foxy Rose, foxy vampire Baroness, and a rat that looks like a bull terrier! Wunderbar and many thanks!

  8. I love this story! Foxy Rose, foxy Baroness, and a rat that looks like a bull terrier! Wunderbar and many thanks!
