Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hostage of the Unearthly

Ace Comics not only delivered top notch art and incredibly inspired writing in their variety of 1950's pre-code horror titles, but sometimes they also unleashed some of the most bizarre monsteramas of the entire Golden Age era! Take for example this cool creature feature from the April 1954 issue of Baffling Mysteries #20. And hmmm, I wonder if the butterfly monster on page 4 inspired Mothra 7 years later?


  1. OH NO! THE DOG!

  2. candy-colered fun! love the panel with the wet wife!

  3. They overcooked that hot dog...
    I was wondering why he wanted his wife back, until I saw her soakin' wet an' half nekkid! Why, when she dived in, you could almost see London and France!

  4. "I, and the others of my kind, cannot cross water." Otherwise, these monsters are unstoppable!

  5. I absolutely love that the hero is a bald beer bellied pipe smoker named Dick- who just happens to own an empty castle.

  6. Anonymous4/18/2011

    How did these demons think they were going to get from the castle to conquer the whole world in the first place? Ever hear of, ummmm, I don't know: mud puddles,rivers, streams, lakes lagoons, ponds, seas, oceans, and the list goes on and on and on!

    Also; where is this place they first crossed over to our world? Sounds like "demon central" to me! Where are the Ghostbusters, clergy, and the like when you need them? (Or all of these scientists in these things the kind of "secular humanists' who, at best, are *slightly less* anti-religious than Communists? Hey, for that matter, where's Sen. Joe McCarthy when you need him? :)


  7. So awesome. I love it when the dog screams. YIIIII!! Plus I liked the very imaginative fish-brained bat monkey character. And all the Dick innuendo.

  8. Yes, I love the wet wife!

  9. Haha, thumbs up to dick innuendo and wet women! Great comments on this one, you guys make posting fun! I have one more Ace classic on the way featuring what could possibly be THE weirdest woman to ever make an appearence here at THOIA! She's coming...

  10. Anonymous4/22/2011

    I love, "Dick! I'm frightened!" Man, in her place, I woulda been screamin' my ASS off way before that, Like, basically the milisecond that thing appeared...

