Monday, March 28, 2011

We Meet at Midnight!

It's been awhile since we got ourselves good 'n mummified on a Monday, so here's one from Stan Lee and Paul Reinman, and originally presented in the May 1952 issue of Mystic #8.


  1. Anonymous3/28/2011

    When will people just stop judging people by their looks? (Especially possible loner sociopaths?)

    I mean; if this guy 8had gotten the power he wanted; I don't think a "Very Special Episode" (Issue?) would do!

  2. Oops! Now I know that if I ever want revenge, I'm not going to go asking the Sphinx. I'll just conjure up a nice friendly demon, or maybe rub a magical lamp. Nothing bad could result from either of those choices!

  3. Well, at least Hugo got it all wrapped up in the end.

  4. Great story up to the end- the Gotcha! fell a little flat for me.

  5. Anonymous3/29/2011

    I liked the endng, the 4 panel transformation from geek to dusty mummy totally worked for me

  6. Much as I love Reinman's work, that third panel on Page One makes the "young girl" appear almost as freakish as Hugo.
