Thursday, November 25, 2010

Isle of Demons / The Invaders

Thanks to Mike Howlett, we're still wandering lost in the blood-soaked, Weird World of Eerie Publications this month, and here's two more mind-warpers for you, another from the July '70 issue of Terror Tales V2 #4 called "Isle of Demons" with gory, knock-your-block-off art by Dick Ayers. Followed by a super-space-spooker variation on Basil Wolverton's classic Brain-Bats tale, this one called "The Invaders" from the Jan '81 issue of Weird Vampire Tales V5 #1, art by A. Reynoso.


  1. According to the beginning of that first story the oceans are thunder barf. I'm not sure I would go exploring in that, no matter how gold all the stuff is.

  2. i always felt sorry for the Bill Lawrence charcter in "The Invaders", he's got no helmet between him and the gooey Space Brain on his head- EWW!...

  3. The best thing about seeing the pages small at first is that you really can see how well Ayers spotted blacks. This is some of his best work I've seen.

  4. >thunder barf

    Home of Thunbarr the Barfbarian!

    >he's got no helmet between him and the gooey Space Brain on his head

    Is that what they are, brains? I thought they were baby Dogoras.

    >you really can see how well Ayers spotted blacks.

    Good point Guy, you are certainly correct! And his pages are nicely balanced because of this...

    I guess we'll end Nov 2010 with one more Eerie Pub tale-- coming up next.

  5. What a great two-fer! Ayers and Reynoso... they rarely disappoint!
