Saturday, November 10, 2007

Spirit of War

Grave Robinson has another classic for you today as well, and he’s going to introduce it himself too: “As election year approaches, there have been many debates, both pro and con, regarding the war in Iraq. With that in mind, I thought your readers might like this little pre-code supernatural gem, SPIRIT OF WAR from Star Publication's HORRORS OF WAR #11 (Jan. 1953), written and rendered by the greatly talented Jay Disbrow. Enjoy!”


  1. Anonymous11/10/2007

    Shame on you Karswell for posting such racist propaganda ha ha

  2. Anonymous11/10/2007

    To paraphrase Kenneth Mars;"Hitler vas a better spectre of death zen Churchill!" great stuff though,Disbrow's stories were always more plot-heavy than others.we should have an anti-Hitler week sometime too,Atlas did a lot of stories with him.also,do you have the Disbrow story about the guy who turns into a giant melting head?

  3. >do you have the Disbrow story about the guy who

    I'll leave this question to Grave Robinson, cuz to be honest I'm not really all that familiar with Jay Disbrow's body of work.

  4. Anonymous11/11/2007

    > I sure would like to know more
    > about the demented writers and
    > illustrators who worked for
    > Superior back then… anyone have
    > some info?

    Superior used the Iger Shop for most of its art, and even the experts can't seem to identify individual artists except in rare cases. Matt Baker did work for Superior, possibly through Iger, and Jack Kamen may have done some. I don't know how Iger Shop broke up its work, but Iger Shop artists who did horror work for Ajax/Farrell included Carl Burgoss, Robert Hayward Webb, Joe Doolin, Ken Battlefield, L.B. Cole, and maybe Myron Fass.

  5. Anonymous9/05/2012

    godwin's law of comics - the story ends when you show hitler.
