Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Wishing Hour

Countdown to Halloween: Post #4B! Our second post for today also comes from the Modern Age. I hope you don’t mind, but as previously mentioned it was a real struggle to find Halloween themed stories worthy of posting here for an entire week since the golden era is pretty dry on the subject… but I’m sure you’ll agree, this tale fits the bill nicely.

I can still remember the first time I ever saw a fully painted story by John Bolton... totally blew my mind. From the 1993 issue of Millennium Publication’s Asylum #1


  1. Anonymous10/27/2007

    wow really spooky and beautifully painted.....its cool to see someone correctly put the witch flying on the broom backwards for a change too

  2. Anonymous10/27/2007

    Actually,"WYTCH" is a gender-neutral term,but otherwise,this is great!!Simon's pretty much the same way i was,only i'd rather look like Barbara Steele,also this would have made a better origin for Michael Myers in the HALLOWEEN remake,too bad no one was this clever.

  3. If you liked this story you should definitely check out the awesome documentary / film from Denmark called Häxan ('22.) It contains some incredible scenes of witches and witchcraft that actually feel more real and appropriate than anything Hollywood has ever insulted us with since.

  4. FYI: John Bolton is illustrating a new 4 issue EVIL DEAD comic mini series coming out in January from Dark Horse Comics. I'll create a post closer to the actual release date but in the meantime there's more info here:

  5. Even without the dead family surprise, selling your immortal soul for literally one night of power strikes me as the worst devil deal ever.
