Monday, January 27, 2025


Time to check in at the 'ol horror movie studio and see how the new SPFX are working out! It's a fun quickie from the March 1969 issue of Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery #25, and thus proves once and for all that AI technology has ALWAYS had a monstrous mind of its own! 


  1. Maybe it ends too abruptly, but I like it.
    Of course, I'm sentimental about those Gold Key horror comics in general.

  2. Isn't Behemoth cute!

    I don't know if you're familiar with the George RR Martin novella "Sandkings", which has also been graphic novelised, but it has a similar multi-armed bipedal (in the adult stage) alien lifeform which also dispatches its "owner" and tormentor.

  3. This is one more take on Frankenstein's creation turning on its master, but it is a fun tale nonetheless.

    Giant monsters were all the rage in the seventies, it scratched the horror itch for fright fans back then. We could cheer on Godzilla and the like as they turned Tokyo into toothpicks, these were fun films from a more easygoing time. Few would complain of a lack of realism, we all knew it was a guy in a rubber suit mashing miniatures, but we could suspend belief and enjoy a monster film from Asia, cheesy or otherwise.

    I am a fan of Gold Key horror too, Grant. The monsters could be a bit more cartoony than menacing, but any horror is better than no horror.

    As I have grown older, I now appreciate the artwork in Gold Key comics, the finer details I glanced over as I read these stories in my younger days. The artists turned out some top notch stuff.

    Thanks as always for posting these gems, Karswell, its greatly appreciated.

  4. I adore Behemoth! He'd be a great Godzilla (or maybe Gamera) bad guy. "It's enough to give a witch nightmares!" Will have to sneak that one into a conversation!

    I like how completely oblivious Kramer is to his fate I mean we can all see it coming the minute he starts the voice command but he just keeps revving up the idiocy ... that's the kind of people you like to see get it in these stories.

    The bat's a great image to; very much a Gre-gory type guy. I want to hug these monsters!

  5. Man, that first page is a doozy. I love everything about it. The bat is glorious, and after that splash, images of the monsters in the final two panels are basically just huge creepy shapes. It works really well since we already trust the art by the second frame. The wild force-perspective tarantula is sadly crowded out, but it's still obvious how cool it is. I'd love to see this page without the word balloons.
