Monday, October 10, 2022

They Called Me a Witch!

We started this post code journey into mystery fest with a JK tale, and here's how we'll end it --and with a super Sinnott assist as well! It's definitely not October until the wicked (and even the not so wicked) witches take flight! From the May 1960 issue of Journey into Mystery #58.


  1. Maybe it's saying the obvious, but considering the ending, Evelyn definitely gets off lightly. It's almost a witch COMEDY, except that it's not a happy ending for John and Amanda either.

  2. The postal statement pasted right onto the splash, have a bit more care, people!

    This one is really a bit 60s "click bait" with the ghastly witch on the cover having nothing to do with the contents. I love the elongated arms stretching around the panel border, that's a great image and framing idea.

    Just full of Kirby faces. Some clever coloring, too, page 4 panel 1 where Evelyn is done in a different color to make her stand out from the crowd.

    Poor John. He was this close to marrying a hot witch. I guess a cool hat can only take you so far!

  3. I really love the fact that Evelyn was basically the good guy. I mean, there weren't any *real* bad guys--except for maybe John I guess? But perhaps he could not help it that he ditched one woman for another. I mean, maybe Amanda used a potion on him and he had to do it. So maybe Amanda is the bad guy after all. She certainly gaslit a whole village. But then again, a little gaslighting equals survival if you're a witch. Should I imagine that she really wrecked that boat, though? I don't see why not. It's funny to read a story in which the person condemning witches is basically right. It's a fantasy rewrite of the actual ethics of the real world.

    Love all the art of course.

  4. False allegations levied against the innocent and leading to an angry mob ready to attack, its doubly sad that such things don't exist just in the realm of comic books.

    In the last photo, the two ladies were so scared that each of their blouses turned white as a sheet!

  5. So cool to see a non-Marvel Jack Kirby horror tale!

  6. I thought Evelyne was going to be revealed as the witch. Maybe Amanda did all the evil things she's been accused of, merely because it's in her nature?
