Friday, August 19, 2022

The Avenging Axe

It's been ten years since I've posted a comic book text only story, and while some of you will probably feel cheated or scream bloody murder about it, let's first take a look at who the actual accomplished author of it is, as well as how it accompanies that rather spectacular cover illustration by Ogden Whitney. That's right, the cover art from the October 1947 issue of Manhunt! #1 follows the Gardner Fox TEXT STORY of this issue, --and not one of the illustrated tales! It's actually a pretty good yarn to boot, not to mention it's also a Kirk of Scotland Yard adventure which I promised more of this month (and any excuse to post that great cover is of course actually no excuse at all.) But FYI another illustrated Kirk tale will be up shortly for those of you still feeling cheated and / or still screaming bloody axe murder...


  1. That would have made a good comic!

    When I was a kid I tried to write my own Stephen King rip off novel and the killer was an executioner so I have to agree with this story. Didn't have any medieval castles or gargoyles, though, that's probably why I only got 20 or so pages in!

  2. Man, I love the text stories. I mean, I guess I love all the stories, but these pulpy, overheated narratives are so much fun. And if I imagine the parts where feet run across the pavement or eyes rove through the fog in a cartoonishly literal way, well that's all the more fun.

