Sunday, August 28, 2022

R.I.P. Lily Renée / Priestess of the Spider Death

We love reading the many great tributes online about eternally lovely, legendary golden era artist, Lily Renee, who passed away last week on August 24th at the age of 101. And we celebrate her incredible real life story HERE at THOIA as well as with another superbly illustrated tale from the February 1944 issue of Rangers Comics #15. Be sure to check out more of Lily's sexy / spooky art HERE in the Archive!


  1. The art is great, Lily gets in two big good girl pieces and the spider lady's clothes is cool, something she always was excellent at.

    I love the spider (men) at the end. Pretty creepy.

    That said, the writer was not giving her a lot to work with. So much stuff happened off panel and other was just a big confusing, but, you know what? A lot of 40s comics were a bit like that, and the real reason we are here is for the art.

    BTW for somebody who is know for her good girl art, she draws a great boat!

  2. That "liner" at the end is a pretty brash deus ex machina. Also it's not a liner; it looks a lot more like a destroyer. See, all those hours of playing Battleship as a tween paid off in snark.

    Rest in peace Lily Renée. I'm definitely a fan. I think Lily is right up there with Matt Baker, and maybe edges the man out a little when it comes to the physical realism of her figure drawing and her investment in fashion design. I've always loved Señorita Rio and all those awesome FIGHT COMICS covers. She was a trailblazer.

  3. One accidentally funny thing (a very small one) is seeing Professor Broussard getting that captain to help him follow the ship immediately. It's a little like that SF movie cliche of the scientist who gets to order around the army, the police and everyone else.

  4. Was that bald narrator guy the same as the professor? His hairline kept changing
