Monday, July 18, 2022

Hatchet Hattie the Kid Hater!

I realize the last couple of posts have been pretty lengthy in content, so I'm giving you all a few days to play catch-up and today I'll just be posting a simple early 50's Luden's cough drop comic book ad, one that I've somehow never seen before, and yet still fits nicely into the theme of THOIA. So just remember kids, if you ever accidentally stumble upon a witch doing witch stuff inside a haunted house, quickly muffle that pesky hacking of yours with a wild cherry flavor Luden's cough drop, --or else lose your head via horrible hatchet hackery! 

Hard to believe this is a real ad, but it is, haha...


  1. "So there's a wild, hatchet wielding child murderer on the loose! I know, send in the kid who's obsessed with Luden's cough drops!"

    "But ... that seems insane!"

    "Can you disarm, rope, and hand out cough drops at the same time?"

    "Eh ... no?"

    "Send in the kid!"

  2. I wonder how many teachers at the time thought: 'well, if it helps my pupils hide from axe wielding murderers, of course I'll let my pupils eat them in school'?

  3. That's amazing. I like the witch's evil doctorin': A hatchet is certainly a pretty efffective cure for a lingering cough. Glad that kid roped her before coronavirus times. Sheesh.

  4. What a charming, child friendly ad for cough drops that surely won't scare the crap out of kids trying to read the latest adventures of Superman or something!

  5. "First kid to cough gets his head chopped off! Luden's Cough Drops (only a nickel!)-- BUY OR DIE!!" To be fair, Luden's Wild Cherry are the ONLY cough drop tasty enough to eat like candy, and it's cool that the box (as seen in the last panel) still looks the same today...

  6. I guess it's up to me to crack the cough cough coffin joke! *hack!

    Another round of voodoo up next, and don't forget to tune in Saturday for the big Madam Satan wrap-up too! Thanks for the comments :)

  7. What a skewed point of view. What we have here is the kid's side of thing. The real story was that of a home invasion with a senile old woman defending her life. Those kids probably saw cough drops as a sweet once they got sent to juvvie.
