Friday, June 26, 2020

R.I.P. Joe Sinnott / Talking Corpse

2020 claims another precode legend, all-time THOIA favorite, Joltin' Joe Sinnott has passed away at the age of 93. Boy, what a wild collection of awesome he leaves behind for future generations of comic book fans. His multitude of styles and vast array of talent for any genre continues to give everyone a little bit of something to marvel at (literally), and today at THOIA we will be marveling at just that. And maybe this story isn't the most appropriately titled tale to choose for an R.I.P. post, but it still showcases what Joe absolutely did best within the horror genre: incredible splash, terrifying monsters, superbly rendered faces / backgrounds, and supernatural inking! R.I.P Joe-- we miss ya already! From the April 1952 issue of Adventures into Terror #9.


Find out more about Joe by CLICKING HERE! And dig around the THOIA Archive by using the search bar at the top of the page, or the sidebar tag for tons more Joe Sinnott classics!


  1. Great story from a towering talent. Man, this guy was top of the line in four different "ages" of comics. My favorite inker for Buscema, my favorite inker for Kirby (except Kirby himself). And just great at inking his own stuff, too! Rest in peace, Joe Sinnott. Thanks for everything.

  2. It's a bit sad that a lot of RIP posts are about Sinnott as an inker when he did great work on his own. Yes, he famously inked the greats and is well regarded for it for a reason, but this story shows some of his wonderful pencil work.

    First, who doesn't like a floating monster parade splash? Staples of horror stories, and this one has some great monsters. The "zombie" ghost is great, as is the sister at the end morphing into an old-ones style monster.

    All the facial expressions are great!

    RIP Joe.

  3. If the sister came back from the dead after all, you'd think she'd help out her poor brother before he got himself killed. I digress though, the twist is fun and the coloration, characters and atmosphere are perfect.

  4. Yet one more reason to hate 2020, the loss of one more of comic's greats. At least Joe Sinnot lived a long time and enjoyed what he did, otherwise he would have quit comics long ago.

    Thanks for the post, Karswell.

  5. @Glowworm: Maybe the sculpture was possessed by the recently-deceased brother?

  6. This horror stuff of Sinnot's was amazing.
    I love his style.
    It's kind of odd that he didn't ink his own pencils after horror comics.
    I would've expected Joe Maneely to ink his own pencils for instance.
    Did Sinnott explain this?
    He usually inked great comics art, so he might've preferred inking other artist's work I suppose.
    Was it regular Marvel practice of separating all the tasks to speed up production?
    His horror work was top tier and individualistic though.
    The Wax Men is my favourite Joe Sinnot story.
    Joe Sinnott spent his life looking at fantastic visual stories.
    A life well spent.
