Saturday, May 9, 2020

R.I.P. Richard Sala

Seriously have no words for this one... R.I.P. Richard Sala


  1. This is terrible. I've been over at his blog for hours. There is so much amazing stuff I only barely remember form the nineties. Stuff from RAW; stuff from MTV. I swear Sala created a whole magazine illustration style that been in business ever since.

    Rest in peace. What a bummer.

  2. The Chuckling Whatist was a work of genius, as was all his work. I'm a long time fan. I'm in shock.

  3. This is absolutely terrible news. He was my favorite artist. Several years ago I commissioned him to make an original watercolor painting for me. It is beautiful and it is even more special to me now. Ugh. What a loss!

  4. It's a real talent when you can be cartoon-y and horrible at the same time, as in this picture. Something Davis was great at, and that's good company! RIP Mr. Sala.

  5. And we're not even halfway through 2020 yet... :(

  6. Sala is probably the only artist whose style I can immediately recognise. This is very much not good especially because he was relatively young and had at least a couple of decades of drawing ahead of him.

  7. A loss for people that like comic art with an original look and feel.
