Friday, July 12, 2019

Happy Anniversary!

On this day in 2007, I got the wild scare up my rear to start a blog devoted to precode horror comics, and wow, here we are exactly 12 years later, and with nearly 2,000 posts logged (1,960 to be exact) --and still going! A billion thanks to everyone that keeps stopping by and commenting, (the amount of friends I've made here over the years continues to boggle my mind), and also to all the fellow bloggers who have kept it going as well, without all of you this whole show would've folded long ago like so many others sadly enough have. So let us now celebrate in the only way we know how-- with more horror, and more specifically, two of our favorites around here: Bob Powell and Howard Nostrand! From the September 1953 issue of Chamber of Chills #19, --yes, the one with THE all-time classic cover!



  1. Beautifully drawn, as to be expected. The ending, as obvious as it was, is still well sold by the story and the art. Gorgeous stuff.

    Powell (& Nostrand) do fall for the same problem a lot of these guys do. The script evidently demands that Charlotte not be a looker, but she is. IMHO, she's better looking than Betty! Yes, people step out for reason other than looks, but it's a short comic story that works better on generalities. That's a super minor complaint, it's just something I see every once and a while and kind of sticks with me.

    Maybe it's better that way? If Charlotte was ugly, would that change Fred's crime in the eyes of readers?

    Obviously the splash and the ending panel are the real winners here, but a couple other good things to point out: Last page, panel 2 Charlotte has finally developed that subtle "crazy" look. Page 2, panel 4 is the panel that convinced me that Fred deserved his fate. That's a great sneering look.

    Happy Anniversary Karswell, and here's to many more!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Can't remember when I found your site, but I have enjoyed each and every one of your posts. I am reminded of the Flintstones episode that featured Policemen singing to commemorate Fred and Wilma's nuptials.
    Are we still in mourning over "Mad"'s demise. Change is constant, but as always I thank you Mr. K.

  3. >Happy Anniversary Karswell, and here's to many more!

    Thanks Barneswell!

    >but as always I thank you Mr. K

    And thank you, JBM! I received your other message and sincerely thank you for that as well!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Happy anniversary.

  6. Tremendous art on this one. Right through to the gruesome end. Thank you Mr. K.

  7. Happy Anniversary Karswell and to The Horrors Of It All Blog!

    On the last page if you look closely you will see a tear in the corner of her eye. A bittersweet romance indeed.
    I could have imagined this as a Tales of the Crypt type ending for Rose and Charley in a Halloween edition of Two and a Half Men.

  8. Kongratulations! Keep up the great posts!

  9. ahhhhhhhh, Happy Anniversary, Mr. Karswell!!...always LOVED this story, and that "Pay-Off" shot is indeed, a KILLER!! ...Nobody draws "Decrepit" corpses like Powell, n' Nostrand!!...Enjoy the day, Sir! I am blessed/cursed to know you as a trusted Fiend/Friend for several years now!! many more years of happy horror!!

  10. Happy Anniversary! Your spook-tacular blog is still one of the only ones that I consider a must-read!

  11. Happy Annie Mr. K! The Anniversary story was a real killer! After ten years w/o taxidermy (where I thought this story was headed), I think only bones and dust would be left.

  12. While I really like the crowd-pleasing panels at the beginning and the end of this, the best part, in my humble o, are the flashlit handful of panels on page three, where Charlotte confronts Fred and Betty in the car. That's some beautiful, moody, and technically difficult stuff--though maybe the effect is a little diffused by the huge width of those weird flashback-panel borders.

    But my favorite panel of all is the shot from inside the ridge. Obviously.

    Happy Birthday, THOIA! Thanks for all the presents you've given us over the years, Karswell! Soon your blog will be a teenager.

  13. Thanks again to everyone who continues to comment here-- it's been a wonderfully chilling 12 years of fun-- and here's to a dozen more! And thanks again to every one that sent us a bday wish too!

  14. That was the single most telegraphed story ending anyone ever saw!
