Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Black Closet / Breakout!

Let's do one more looney Lawbreakers post and then get back to mixing things up again this month, shall we? And here's a really weird tale that barely makes any sense-- but that definitely doesn't stop it from being insanely fun! The Art Capello illustrations are reminiscent of Ditko at times, and John Belfi returns yet again (3 posts in a row!) with another one page quickie, --PLUS!! more badly drawn bugs! From the May '53 issue of Lawbreakers Suspense Stories #12.


  1. I thought that was a pretty great story! Love the silent panels. It really felt like a descent into madness for him as things made less and less sense and his decisions were completely irrational. And a really good twist ending I never saw coming at all. Thanks for posting this one.

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  3. 'Black Closet': Well executed faux-Craig art here. The chewed-face panels are pure nightmare fuel.
    'Breakout!': So he just dug in a random direction (with the "smuggled in" shovel & crowbar)??

  4. Hey! Fooled by the cover! I like it. Another thing I like are these Lawbreakers thought balloons. I noticed them last time. Their cloudy edge puffs are so much more detailed than usual, so rounded and three dimensional that they actually look a little like brains. Thought brains! Pretty on-the-nose.

  5. She took being locked in a closet really well! There's so much about this tale that defies any logical time line! Yet, I really enjoyed it, even thought it's inability to weave a proper narrative and yet using that narrative to create some creepy horror.

    I wonder how many "digging out of prison" stories there are in horror/crime comics? I swear I've seen about every variation at this point! There's got to be one where the guy digs out and pops up "oh no, I'm on MARS!"
