Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Vampire Spider

Creeping around within the pages of the Dec '53 issue of Adventures into the Unknown #50 are some really good stories. Lin Streeter's beautifully spooky "I Am a Zombie!" was posted HERE a while back, as well as being the story chosen to lead off my ZOMBIES collection from IDW / Yoe Books in 2012 (still available HERE!) Also, be sure to revisit the weird, tentacled terror of "The Imposter!" HERE, which is another THOIA archive fave. These two creepy classics apparently overshadowed the other 3 remaining tales-- but that's about to change! Yes friends, hold on to your hats because it's finally time to unleash the frighteningly fuzzy, fly-headed ferocity of-- The Vampire Spider! Spider reference, McCarty, spider reference!! And oh what an ending, haha...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It happens when Franz Kafka meets Tarantula.

  3. The cover artist at least got the 8 legs right! We only got 6 in the story! I have to say, I sort of like the modified spider. Yes, it's because of lack of reference, but it was sort of a half-man/half-spider so I'm going to pretend it was an artistic choice.

    The spider looks SO hug-able in this story! Make a great stuffed toy.

    If there's one goofy piece of art in this, it's the spider's web being made of coiled rope. Honestly, you can't chalk that one up to reference!

  4. As a cryptozoology fan, the Thunderbird reference is interesting to me.

  5. Speaking of the story getting the legs right, it's odd that countless horror stories show spiders with two eyes, since the eight eyes are one thing that almost every lay person on the subject (which I am) knows about.
    A slightly odder thing here is giving the spider COMPOUND eyes. I'm not sure how many horror story spiders have those (maybe "Seymour" on H. R. PUFINSTUF!)
