Friday, June 12, 2015

Dracula's Guest

We lost the last of the iconic, golden age horror greats yesterday, and we will honor his legacy throughout the month with tales related to his amazing life and career. To many, the man was Dracula, so what better place to start than with an encore presentation of the Bram Stoker classic, "Dracula's Guest" adapted by Frank Bolle in 1966 for Christopher Lee's Treasury of Terror paperback (originally featured here at THOIA back in 2010.)

Rest in peace, dear Prince of Darkness.


  1. Once again I'll say (for he deserves it):
    Thank you Mr. Lee.
    Always remembered, forever UNdead.

  2. This is such an amazing adaptation. How many stories from this book did you ever end up posting (yet)? I remember you saying the original was really fragile, but if the rest of the selections are half as good as this one then this thing is solid gold.

    And thanks for everything Christopher Lee. I loved CITY OF THE DEAD and about two hundred of your other movies.

  3. I had this story in a collection somewhere, and it stands as a really effective short story in it's own, and this is a prime adaptation. I don't know if Dracula would have been made any better with this, though, as it sort of lays out a bunch of stuff early on and pulls back the curtain a bit early.

  4. I agree, fabulous adaptation of atmospheric classic!
