Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sasquatch Love

We're getting down to the wire now with Halloween just a few days away-- and you last minute dresser-uppers better get your act together and quick! I know you've been seeing those Silver Shamrock commercials on TV over the last few weeks or so, so you know you're running out of time for a mask or costume! Seriously, it's best to have this aspect of your holiday planned out well in advance, or else something terrible could happen to you-- for example, as we see in this costumed tale of EPIC FAIL called "Sasquatch Love" from the January 1979 issue of Vampirella #75.


  1. What a wonderful story !
    Silly in its premise, extremely well written and with a real cool "twist" in the end (though a bit unrealistic: I think Martha should have known better than simply "ape" those clumsy humans)...
    And the art is great. Ortiz is another one great spanish author. I knew many things he did for Argentinos publishers, and of course the things with Segura, but this is his first Warren comic I see (I think).
    A funny thing (though absolutely irrelevant) is that reading this story I couldn't help but thinking about Billy Ray Ballantine and a gorilla suite.
    I think I will have to see many "sasquatch" suits in my home town the next few days, but I'll be wise and won't "monkey" with them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. During this time, Vampirella started having the better EC-ish horror stories in it. Creepy had gone off into more cerebral stuff (along with regular EC-ish horror) and Eerie was still doing the Marvel "Our heroes can die" stuff (which great successes like the Jackass saga.) All this was good, but Vampirella ended up the place for the more fun stories.

    This is a great example, there's a lot of extraneous plot elements that distract while walking you to the ending, and awesome art. Cary Bates, too, from the world of DC superheroes!

    Which is interesting, because out of all 3 books, Vampirella was the poorest for solid stories, but later on became the go to one. Whoever sat in the revolving editing chair at that point placed the right stories in the right mags.

  4. Very interesting. I think Ortiz's peculiar style fits better to horror comics.
    Most of the non-Creepy Warren's material is "terra incognita" to me. Here in Italy I think we had only one anthology book from the seventies' Vampirella, called "Mordimi sul collo ti prego: le avventure di Vampirella" = "Bite me on the neck, I beg you: The adventures of Vampirella", and there was no way for me to get something with such a title as a kid.
    Also, we had 3 anthology books from "Creepy" and "Eerie". "Uncle Creepy" was translated into "Zio Tibia" (Uncle Tibia) and later (1989) an ugly puppet version of Zio Tibia became quite popular as a tv host presenting horror flicks (we couldn't afford Elvira). Don't know if some copyright was actually infringed, but I guess Berlusconi didn't mind at all if some law was broken.
    Thanks for the enlightenment !

  5. Maybe this is nitpicking, but considering Martha's "love of mimicry" (as in that hair brushing scene), wouldn't pushing a regular-looking Mike into the water have had the same effect, instead of putting him in a suit? But maybe they were just trying to be extra sure.

  6. I love the panel on page five looking out through Teddy's bigfoot mask, making the halves of Martha's bigface look like two littler bigfeet, in cubist profile, happily gazing at one another. That's pretty canny illustrating right there.

  7. Yeah I like this one too, it's fun and funny though the ending is a bit of a grim twist, I thought it a good choice for getting everyone in the Halloween mood :)
