Monday, September 29, 2014

PREVIEWS SNEAK PEEK: Haunted Horror #14 (12/24/2014)

For those of you who picked up the current October issue of Previews (containing items for release this December 2014) you may have noticed the IDW ad for Haunted Horror #14, in stores Dec. 24th, and yes it is indeed an "All Mr. Karswell" issue, --aka a sort of "Best of THOIA" if you will, featuring tales hand picked by yours truly. Forelock and I have discussed doing one of these each year --we know how much precode fans like to have an actual printed, physical copy of stories over downloaded jpeg scans. We hope everyone enjoys this choice collection of Mr. Karswell picks!


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    1. #13 comes out Oct 8th... upcoming HH release dates are under the issue on the blog sidebar to the right

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  3. Rock and roll! The all-THOIA issue looks great. Can't wait.

  4. Congratulations Karswell!
