Wednesday, August 6, 2014

HAUNTED HORROR #12 / Code of the Shadowmaster

Haunted Horror #12 is in stores today, and we have a preview for you to whet that shadowy whistle and get you to the comic shop for your creeped-out copy ASAP --before they sell-out! You know it's gonna be a killer issue when it kicks into gear with a Lou Cameron classic from the September 1953 issue of The Beyond #30!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous8/06/2014

    I like the use of scissors as panel borders in the 3rd scan.

  3. Why tell kids not to run with scissors when you can show them this little story? Also fills in for the "don't mess with the black arts" lesson!

    What poor detective will get assigned to this case? Even if you believed in the supernatural, you'd never put together the pieces that a magical burial sack cloth was involved!

    Also: More skeletons perfectly held together without any connective tissue.

  4. Seemed to me that Cameron was a little bit bored with this gig. He was certainly entertaining himself well for the first three pages (I love the splash panel, and the scissors page is great even if it serves the storytelling poorly, but the skull-shaped panel at the top of page two just bugged me). So it's weird and a little jarring when, after page three, everything gets so pedestrian. I appreciate pedestrian more than most people when it comes to comics--it tends to also mean clarity when is always a plus--but here it just feels like Lou ran out of time. He shoulda started with the last page!
