Thursday, June 12, 2014

HAUNTED HORROR #11 / Day of Panic

PANIC!!! Yes, we were just as caught off guard this week by the release of Haunted Horror #11 (in stores now and not the last week of June as we were originally led to believe!) --so get yourself a FREE preview over at CBR by clicking HERE, and of course we've got one for ya here at THOIA as well... it's an encore presentation of a Howard Nostrand story from the December 1953 issue of Witches Tales #22, a tale we first posted here waaaay back in 2008! And how does the rest of the issue stack up, you ponder? Heads! Hands! Zombies! Demons! You know Haunted Horror delivers!



  1. Nostrand's ability to ape Davis is just uncanny. The interesting thing is he's actually drawing more like the MAD version of Davis.

    Even more amazing is that Davis' style seemed to come from how fast he drew -- and Nostrand copied it, which is even more amazing. He's basically duping a style that exists because of speed, something very hard to do.

    By the way, what SPF is that vampire wearing?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Looking at this story, it becomes obvious why Nostrand was actually admired by the EC stable of artists. He accomplishes a Davis style, but never swipes! Although I have to say, this story seems more Nostrand than Davis in a lot of ways. Love the cover you posted. I thought it seemed like a certain 70's underground artist's work, but then checked and saw it was indeed 1950's stuff. Thanks for posting, Karswell!

  4. I love these Marvel horror reprint comics! I remember one, a Kirby monster tale, where clearly two russian soldiers had the star on their furry hats replaced with a "H" for Hydra! Fun stuff!

  5. I don't know the story Rich Clabaugh means, but it's funny how Soviet Russians get replaced without a story changing apart from that - they just get replaced with other Communist countries, and with fascists instead of Communists, and so on. But that might be the first time I've heard of it done simply by changing the emblems.

  6. The Super-Mystery Comics #33 cover was graciously scanned and contributed to us by Tommy Stanziola-- I'm mentioning it here because there was a goof and the wrong credits page was sent to the printer accidentally instead :(

    Hope everyone enjoyed the new issue, more posts on the way including another Atlas story as noted in the previous post
