Wednesday, May 7, 2014


After the unexpected news of the great Dick Ayers passing away, we now detour back to the second Frank Thorne illustrated tale as promised; this time as part of our ever inconsistent "Werewolf Wednesday" theme (and it's a werewolf western to boot!) From the May 1975 magazine issue of Devilina #2, with story by John Albano.

WARNING: Features boobs 'n blood! ADULTS ONLY!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rape is a very hard thing to use in pretty much any media, for purposes of setting up a revenge story. Even worse, we get many pin-up shots of the victim before the rape occurs.

    I'm not in any manner calling for censorship at all, and this is a good story, well paced, well drawn, and full of pathos. Like a good piece of art, it's a little icky to read, and a bit of shock value. It's not an especially necessary element, but it's also the reality of the time.

    That said, how the Indian maiden got to be Polynesian, I'll never know :)

    I utterly enjoyed the panel where the first rapist literally popped. I had no idea werewolves had that power!

    Kars, was this one of the magazine I gave you? I swear I saw this before!

  3. I'm not sure, BB, I thought you mostly gave me Skywald stuff and a few Warrens.

    Ok, thanks for the comments... another Atlas double feature up next
