Thursday, February 20, 2014

Victims of the Twin Scourges

Paul Naschy fans will no doubt enjoy the wildly madcap, completely non-sensical combo of werewolves and vampire women in our second story presentation from the June 1952 issue of The Beyond #12, --and just like our last post this tale also features the awesome art collaboration of Lou Cameron and Rocco Mastroserio. Rounding it all out with another True Tale of the Supernatural one page filler quickie as well... yep, two stories down, two to go!


  1. Lydia, you are becoming a ghastly, inhuman creature, with just slightly longer canines and cliche 1950s racists Asian eyes. And pretty cool wings. GHASTLY!

    So they were 3 months apart and Lydia didn't have time to buy a new dress (I know, continuity in art, it's still pretty funny.) At least Simon got a new tie! Though, I can see Lydia's point, because the bat wings somehow phased through the back of her dress.

    The coloring in this thing is what I like to call "we give up" coloring. Coloring an entire panel in a single color is actually a useful technique, but it seems haphazard here.

    Still, a fun and somewhat silly read, and who doesn't like a well-dressed werewolf?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The narration doesn't really slip until literally the last panel. "In horrified terror"?

  4. God I hate rhyming dialog. Luckily, dialog like "Kill that blood-mad creature, officer!" makes up for it, completely. I like the brush work here--in the first two pages especially--and love the narwhal man at the bottom of two. This is the first time I remember seeing a precode horror story in which the large text block in splash actually matters. I kind of like the way they dispensed with same-ol' back story and got right to the monsters. As far as creature origin stories go, "car crash" is a new one on me, by the way.

    I am left to wonder yet again at the oft-repeated contention in these werewolf stories that our moon is full for multiple days in a row. I understand why this happens--it's hard to create a narrative arc in which your antagonist only pops out of your protagonist every twenty-eight days. Still, the full moon rule is pretty much a Hollywood-era werewolf ingredient, and it seems like it'd be easier to do away with the fake-o monster movie guidelines than, you know, the real-life, easily- and often-observable facts of actual lunar nature. And yet... and yet...

  5. Am I mistaken, or is it very rare for a horror comic story to give you criminals who want to go straight? I mean ones who really mean it, as opposed to ones who make big promises about it when they're being threatened by something, and no other time. Because that makes Lydia and Simon seem like pretty original characters to me, since they each try to stick to it even after changing back.

  6. Trying to balance these two blogs with my current work schedule is proving to be a big of a challenge... apologies to those used to more frequent updates, I'm doing what I can here but hope to get back on schedule in the coming month. Thanks for your comments and patience! --K
