Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween Nightmare!

Who says Halloween is over? NEVER!!! We first showed you this one waaay back in 2007, but here it is again for those who missed the initial initiation-- from the April 1952 issue of Black Cat Mystery #34, art by Manny Stallman. And oh yes, if you missed my recent undead fumetti post of sex and vicious violence over at AEET recently then by all means click HERE! (ADULTS ONLY!!)



  1. A cool story to enjoy this morning....

  2. Just doin my part to keep the Halloween spirit alive, Doc!

  3. You know, if it hadn't been for Victor suffering an agonizing death and melting into a stain on the carpet, that actually sounds like a really fun party. Who doesn't love a good scavenger hunt?

    Jim seems a bit of a wet-blanket killjoy, though. I wouldn't have invited him.

  4. There's some interesting panels going on in this one, mostly on page 2. The faces panel, the long cast shadow, nice effect, but the monster isn't very convincing, as much as a great artist Stallman is, this one doesn't seem to fit him very well.

    There's also the odd changing number of party goers.

    I agree with Cheswick, I'd rather have that evil ghoul at the party than Jim!

  5. I have to admit my favorite panel is the middle one at the top of page three-- in the midst of horror, it's always nice to focus in on a great pair of legs in striped stockings!

  6. The primary colors here feel really seasonally specific to me. I really dig the look (and the art) on this one. The first time you posted it one of the commenters (it was ALL CAPS) said he really thought the story would work better if it was one or two pages longer. I'd like to see that too--broaden the story of each quest's horrifying scavenger quest--though I do think it would have the effect of further hollowing out that nihilistic ending. More pages to not really matter in the long run? Even creepier.

    1. Expanding might turn it into the Hollywood version and yes, lessen the overall impact and creepy factor

  7. Just reading over some off your older posts (again) always enjoyable to view these great stories good Sir Karswell.... I remember the black and white versions of a lot of these stories from the early 70's ... We still have some of these old (magazine-format) comics in the boxes and stacked books in front of me .... was reading over some of them just the other day... Hope that you and yours had a great Halloween....

  8. Glad to hear it, Doc! Halloween 2013 wasnt the best, it rained here pretty much the whole time but what little bit of trick r treat time we did have was fun! Thanks for the comments!

  9. Anonymous11/06/2013

    You are my GO-TO horror comics blog before i check other blogs. More Atlas stories, please !

    1. Thanks Anon, a mix of everything horror --coming up!

  10. The witch is drawn a little like the later host of Ghost Manor by Charlton, the one who replaced "Winnie the Witch."

    Speaking of the guests changing in number, I wonder if the legs mentioned by Karswell belong to same well-built character who's teasing Jim a little earlier. It looks as if Jim is having some trouble looking her in the face as she talks to him, and it isn't hard to imagine why.

    Like Dr. Theda, I always liked the reprints of these stories in places like Witches' Tales by Eerie, though for a long while I didn't even know they were reprints.
