Sunday, November 24, 2013

Demon Inferno / Cole For Xmas

Time to balance out the festive, seasonal goodness with a death defying plunge into the fiery depths of devil driven evil-- it's a hot little classic from the April 1954 issue of Web of Evil #13. And hey, don't forget to enter your own bad lil self in Yoe Book's Jack Cole's Deadly Horror Xmas Give-away! Here's how: Check the image at the end of this post, share it on Facebook, and then LET THE YOE KNOW YOU HAVE DONE SO by emailing --it's that easy! 3 names will be clawed out of Satan's shuddery hat on Christmas Day --so don't delay! More contests on the way too, including a chance to win a copy of the HAUNTED HORROR Volume 1 Hardcover Collection (fyi: available everywhere this week too!)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I guess it wasn't just the ladies - folks back then were perfectly inclined to give hysterical men a slap in the face, too.

    And honestly, is being caught in a cave-in during an atomic bomb test really the worst thing that can happen to you there? What about radiation poisoning, or shockwaves? Or Tor Johnson, for that matter?

  3. It's interesting to see these longer pre-code stories. It's always sort of a risk, you could bore an audience that's use to 5-6 pages or you could use the extra pages to tell a good story.

    This one does the later, though I'd have to disagree with the artistic decision to make the "demons" basically look like people I've seen on the street. Wouldn't want to cross them, but not exactly otherworldly.

  4. Quite enjoyable. Man, the inking here is pretty astonishing. Usually I'm not that big on really shady or hatchy spots in the negative space (it looks dirty to me, especially combined with the comic penchant for stopping any fill in a halo around the characters, an attempt to visually layer them in front of the backgrounds). But this work is neat as a pin and looks uniformly cool. A shout-out to the excellent printing here, too. One cheap black pass would have made this excellent effort look like mildew.

  5. The police might be making some odd decisions as Mestiere says, but it's funny how far away they are from being trigger-happy, wanting to give him every chance by letting her talk him down.
    (One reason I notice that is because I've been watching those Monogram horror movies with people like Lugosi, and the police in those will often shoot at anything that moves!

    I can't help wondering if this is meant to be one of those anti-Cold War / anti-arms race monster stories (because of way he becomes like that). If it is, it doesn't spell the message out, so it's hard to tell.
