Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cat! / Immortality Factor

Another Red Circle Comics Group double feature post today, this time a showcase example of Gray Morrow's talents as both writer and artist... from the stunning cover to all 4 stories in the Oct '73 issue of Chilling Adventures in Sorcery #3 (writer credits for the Essays into the Supernatural one-page bonus go to Phil Sueling), Morrow did pretty much everything else in this issue himself. And it's wonderfully detailed work too, I might add-- the first story "Cat!" stars Barbara Steele, purrfectly cast in the seductive lead, while "Immortality Factory" features photo reference panels of Boris Karloff at his typically sinister, mad doctor best.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The art's nice, the shadowing, the wash, and the heavy lighting in some panels is great.

    The cover, though, while technically superior, is a bit crowded. And like Mestiere said, there's a lot of text and a lot of exposition, and a good deal of convenient plotting (where did the orderlies go? How does one fight of anesthetic like that?)

    That said, for 73, not bad at all. Not Warren or Skywald, but pretty good.

  3. We have this issue as well good Sir.... Great post (as always).....
    I got my copy as a child back in the 70's....

  4. Something tells me the extra-large speech balloons are Gray's way of drawing as little as possible and pocketing the difference. Man's a fantastic artist, but he needs an editor with less of a soft touch.

  5. Or maybe he just had bigger stories to tell here than the page numbers would allow... I don't mind lots of words, EC did it wordier than everyone and hardly anyone complains.

  6. Yeah, that lighting and shadowing on the cover is pretty amazing. I bet a certain Mr. Golden studied this one closely...

    The art overall is fantastic. High design and confident work. You've got to love watching an artist work with that degree of surety.
