Monday, May 20, 2013

Bride of Death

Time for a charming "love" story from the sincerely creepy pencil and inked stained mind of Jack Katz, (type his name into the THOIA search engine for more of his crazy work posted here over the years [or check our Artist cloud! -- Nequam]) --this tale was originally presented in the December 1952 issue of Adventures into Darkness #7.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's some beautiful artwork. Reminds me of the art styles that appeared in the Bronze Age DC comics from the '70s, i.e. "House of Mystery," "House of Secrets," etc.

    I would've liked a more supernatural ending, rather than the psuedo-scientific one.

    I feel compelled to look into more stories illustrated by Jack Katz!

  3. Trevor M5/21/2013

    This is indeed an interesting piece of illustration. It's almost what might be called semi-pro or pro-fanzine, if that makes any sense. The proportions are off occasionally and there's a clumsiness to it in places that point to a lack of formal training, but it's all offset with lots of sincere effort with some good raw talent and a strong personal style. Like the other commenter, I'm going to look into more stories by Katz.

  4. I love this art. The artist has no concept of dimension and his proportions are charitably "wacky", but does he draw beautifully expressions and faces. Right on the edge of cartoon-ish, with a little Jack Davis.

    Panel 4, Page 1 is great, everything on page 3 is just poster worthy.

    Next time, let her warm up first before rushing off to marriage!

    Page 4, panel 6. No panties in the grave, I guess.

    Page 3, panel 2, why is he pulling off his own shoe leather?

  5. Whoa. Slapstick tragedy. I kind of wish there had been another two pages, with more rushing back to the lab, a hallway with too many doors, and maybe Mario chasing his beloved around in an ape suit? I'd say make it more risque too, but I'm hardly sure that's possible, what with all that labial vial-forcing and flushed groaning.

    I thought the art started out awkward and oddly mismatched and then really warmed-up toward the end. Love that styley Saul Bass-looking graveyard on page five, for example, and the last panel on that page is also magnificent.

  6. I beg to quibble.
    This is not the original, but the recolored version from the 1985 SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT #2.
    Sorry, couldn't restrain myself.
    Being a smartass and proud of it.

  7. Quibble all you want, the Rat Man story was also from the SOTI recolor issues too... if I don't have the original issues then I post the reprints. Am I breaking some Spacelord law?

  8. No laws broken.
    I just like the original coloring better. You can pull them from scans on Digital Comic Museum...
    But I admire you for posting only from personal copies.

  9. Well thanks, I have no intention of ever pulling from DCM, here on my blog I like to keep things as much mine as possible, unless someone would like to donate scans, which I am completely fine with.

    What I'm not fine with is the idea that someone would actually bother quibbling on a FREE blog. Unbelievable...
