Friday, March 22, 2013

Dead Men Never Die!

And they don't wear plaid either! Over the years here at THOIA, we have established quite a few times that sneakily escaping from prison while tucked inside a coffin never turns out as expected, so let's see what happens to our hero this time-- by request, it's more insanity from the May 1952 issue of Strange Mysteries #5.


  1. This is a great escapist style tale and done in the fast and furious manner of a late forties-to-early-fifties serial. Thanks so much for this!

    The funny part of it was on page four, panel two. It looked like the Chief was picking John's schnozz!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The surprise twist really got me, to have our hero, who was just saved from death, to suddenly be driven away in the Titanic was a real shocker!

    Hey, John, slide over, there's more than enough room in this mammoth ship for both of us!

    Some artist should shy away from drawing the interior of a car is all I'm hinting at :)

  4. Excellent! And it's even better if you read all the Mr. Death parts in the voice of Cobra Commander.

  5. Haha, you guys are all hilarious... best comments so far this year. There's one tale left from this issue that I've yet to post, who's dying for it?

  6. Of course we're dying for it.

  7. Absolutely yes! This mag rules!

  8. lostcause3/23/2013

    page 3, first panel, where's the glass ? there's nothing in his hand, it looks like the glass was to be drawn and forgotten ?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Page three is pretty jacked from top to bottom, frankly. Why was it so necessary to capture that guy's legs in the lower panel--so much so that the all-important FBI response is crammed to the side of the frame? Is that to indicate that the feds responded before he'd even budged from the pool? Why is the vertical corner panel connected to the circular panel above it when the letter panel beside it is not? Did the artist use kung-fu grip action figures as his models?

    For the record, I quite love the emphatic Creepshow-like star burst in the bottom corner. Too bad it's so crowded by the word balloon.
