Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Swamp Monster / They Crawl By Night!

These were not the two Basil Wolverton tales I had planned for today, an unfortunate series of events has left me with no choice for awhile but to re-use previous posts until I get my issues resolved. I would even apologize, but these are two of Basil's most excellent tales, and if you haven't seen them here before then it's a win / win situation anyway, even if you have seen them. Swamp Monster is from the June '53 issue of Weird Mysteries #5, while They Crawl By Night is from the Feb '53 issue of Journey into Unknown Worlds #15. (Both originally appeared here at THOIA back in 2009.)

Basil Wolverton


  1. It doesn't matter how many times you reprint these, I'll re-read them every time. They are master classes in stylist horror art.

    Kars, today I picked up Haunted Horror #1 (I had to order it last week), and much kudos to you, Yoe, and anybody else involved. While this site is a gift from the dark lord below, there's something about reading these in floppy form. It's on great paper, and there's a lot of content for the price. I don't know if you guys did any clean up work, but everything looks great.

    All around, a great comic, and I look forward to each issue.

  2. Anonymous10/18/2012

    Yeah, don't apologize for posting something again. Your collection is amazing and longtime readers are losers anyway.

  3. Trevor M10/18/2012

    "... longtime readers are losers anyway."


    I kind of consider myself a longtime winner for discovering this site a couple of years ago.

    These are real masterpieces. Wolverton usually seemed to work with the transformation theme a lot.

  4. Anyone else see the obvious similarities in both stories to the graphic comic published for Creepshow, especially the latter's creature in the crate and the cockroaches eating Marshall alive?

  5. Longtime loser here. Hope you're technical issues get solved quickly--nothing sucks like having to change the plan. Shudder. Still, I love any excuse to revisit Wolverton, he echoed. And that Weird Mysteries cover is just fan-flipping-tastic. I like it even better than the stories. Bernard Baily is really soaring up the charts for me.

  6. Anonymous10/18/2012

    Cant' wait to get my hands on Haunted Horror #1. my crappy comic bookstore said they ordered it for me but i'm still waiting. Overpowered by funk.

  7. Haha, I guess I'm at a losery loss over that comment as well, though I imagine it was meant well and probably in reference to my "win / win" comment in the intro.

    There's more Wolverton in the archives, just use the handy dandy search engine! Thanks for the comments too...

  8. We appreciate all the kind words and feedback about Haunted Horror #1 too! I started a Facebook group for it, if you haven't joined us yet please do!

    Just search Haunted Horror (IDW / Yoe Books)

  9. Fabulous stuff, but was astonished to find out that the second story was written by hugo award winning Daniel Keyes, who's responsible for 'Flowers for Algernon'.

  10. If I had a large scale scan of any one of those panels I think I'd print up a t-shirt. Each one of them is good on its own.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
