Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fate of Alberto

Back in January 2008, I posted two stories from the August 1954 issue of Tales of Horror #12: "Welcome to My School", and "The Pallbearers." Today's fateful post comes from the same issue, and it's a wonderfully wicked tale of black magic and epic DOOM, superbly visualized by Ellis Eringer. I have to say, as good as today's story is, it's nothing compared to the fascinating man who illustrated it, find out more about Ellis "Papa Duke" Eringer and click HERE!


  1. UPDATE: Ellis Eringer's son Robert reposts this story at his own blog, here:

    Says Robert: "It is awesome for me to see this (for the first time)--esp as I was born two months after it was published."

    THOIA is honored!

  2. He was a gifted, talented artist in drawing, painting and music. We, the followers of THOIA are honored to experience the work of this great man.

  3. That was awesome. Very well spun tale with the obligatory twist ending, coupled with great art.

  4. What's the next book in The Chilling Archives of Horror series going to be? Any hope for a Superior horror comics collection? If so, I can help you out with back issues, I've got an almost complete run of them.

  5. Trevor M7/27/2012

    Rarely have I read a 1950's horror comic story that transports you to another time and place so convincingly. It's as if it were a product of the time period it's set in! I was bewitched by this dark fairy tale. Made my day. Thanks for posting it!

  6. Great story, another one where the journey is more important than the end (because the splash previews the ending.)

    The art, just the right mix of comic (extended limbs and faces) and realistic, the kind of things Davis or Ghastly were so good at.

    This one's a real gem.

  7. Anonymous7/27/2012

    LOVE YOUR BLOG! KEEP UP, IM GONNA FOLLOW IT FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!comics for life

  8. Giving the baby three extra fingers was pretty creepy.

    I'd like to be the highest man on Earth as well, just not in same sense as Alberto!

  9. Boy, thanks for the high praise comments on this one, it certainly deserves it! Did everyone check out the Eringer blog link I added above? It's full of stunning work!

    Speaking of, I'll have another Eringer story up next (thanks to Brian Hirsch who donated the scans from his copy of Mister Mystery), and then after that we'll backtrack a bit and I'll post the final story from this issue of Tales of Horror #12, for you issue completists-- you know I do anything for you guys :)

  10. whoa, what a post!
