Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Living Dead

Shambling along all May with a month of zombie tales, and here's one by Carmine Infantino from the June 1953 issue of Spellbound #15 (keep your eyes peeled for a Dick Briefer-esque Frankenstein Monster too!)


  1. Infantino went a long way to get to the Batman comics I remember...
    I have to say that these comics utterly destroy my claims in class that, after the true horrors of WWII, fiction became more realistic and set in our own world.

  2. Trevor M5/06/2012

    I'm impressed by how inventive Infantino is here, carrying an all too typical Stan Lee no-prize no-story, that's a one pager stretched out to five! Worth having a look for the art -- like his other early ones on here.

    BTW, that really is one awesome looking Creepshow figure!

  3. I would've found this silly even at the tender age of eight!

  4. It's a bit silly, but enjoyable- and you just KNOW that most of those members were drawn from life.

  5. Anonymous5/07/2012

    "Overland Cemetery" Oh, Stan! I get it. I totally fucking get it!!!

  6. Enjoyable, delectable, terrific artwork.
    But as so often, Mr. Lee goes for the feeble twist.
    Wouldn't it have been much more gripping if the president were no zombie but a normal being "off his rocker" (agreed) and had just killed the man behind the door?
    That would have been truly horrific and would have justified this lame society of Sherlocks.
    There is your horror, you creeps!
    If you want things done right, you have to to them yourselves...

  7. Trevor M5/07/2012

    I like SpaceLord's idea a lot. This would have been a very memorable shocker of a story if that had happened.

  8. I know Stan has his detractors, but I love the guy. That said, his horror work was terrible uneven and his twists either worked or didn't, and it wasn't helping that he kept daring the readers to guess them!

    SpaceLord's idea would have been how Warren would have handled it, if it was an EC story the entire society would have been monsters in disguise, and if it was one of the fly by night publishers there would have been a convenient zombie killing mechanism near by that fulfilled whatever crazy rules they invented for zombies that story :)

  9. I don't understand how Spacelords's idea would help prove the existance of zombies. Anyway, I for one love these corny Atlas tales myself, the sillier the ending the better I say... in fact, I have another one coming right up.

    Thanks for the comments!

  10. @Gumba: Very well observed, sir!
    @Karswell: Misunderstanding.
    There REALLY are no zombies. But MAN is the greatest horror of them all.

  11. And then he woke up and it was all just a dreeeeam... some ideas were probably already well played out even by the mid 50s.

  12. I wish it was that easy to convince people that ghosts don't exist.

  13. Hello there....Dr. Theda here.... My dad has pre-ordered my "Uncle Nate" figure ....the release date for this wonderful figure has been changed to the Last quarter of 2012.... I paid half of its cost just to own one.... it is for my Birthday last month.... But, looks like it will be around Christmas until I can receive mine....

  14. I ordered one a few months back too... can't wait to get it! You ordered the one with light up candles I hope! Talked to the guy on the phone, he says they're working on a Fluffy Crate monster after this one is out!
