Sunday, September 4, 2011


A violent Al Tewks tale from the July 1953 issue of Weird Terror #6 ...this one has stabbings, shootings, and a demonic dame wound around a goofy loser's rise and fall from power in Gangland USA.

Bonus Text Filler


  1. Trevor M9/04/2011

    A mad, high speed 1950's crime-horror story drawing on the Faust touchstone story. Inventive compositions are a highlight. Worth reading and worth posting. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous9/04/2011

    !. You'd think the "Dark Ones" would give a guy some time to enjoy being "King of the Waterfront" before turning on him! Hey. if there are courts in Hell/"The Great Hereafter"/whereever these guys come from, "Our Protagonist"{might have a case: Is one truly ever a "King" if one is killed before the "coronation"?:)

    2. About the poltergeist story: the definition of "poltergeist" is given as "racketing spirit"> Well; maybe my mind works in a strange way, maybe it's the influence of the previous story; but I couldn't help thinking: What's the German for a "racketeering spirit"?:)

  3. The Damned9/04/2011

    Dear Anonymous,

    Based on my experience with the "Dark Ones" they give you no fair time before the turn on you. They don't care. They honor their bargain and the very second its honored, then you are fair game for collection. Just like the Banksters. They are actually interchangeable.

    You might consider why so many "powerful" witches and warlocks who are in league with the Devil live in shacks in the woods, and vans by the river.


  4. What a curious text page. I haven't read a whole lot of these, but this is the first I've come across that isn't a narrative story. I love how scientists are flummoxed by the fact that household items don't float in the expected ways. That would certainly be the part that freaked me out.

  5. I really dig this one. Excellent crime-art!

  6. I'll see if I have any more crime oriented horror in my collection for future postings, there might be a few more gems left to showcase. And since everyone seems to be loving this kookball issue of Weird Terror I may just post the rest of it next-- DIE, CEMETERY, DIE!!

    Thanks for the comments!

  7. No doubt it's something I've been smoking, but ...
    This artwork reminded me a lot of Steranko (but 15 years earlier). Googling for Alberta Tewks (!), I find this half-man/half-skull from Horrific #6. Not unlike the half-Fury/half-skull from the first page of Fury/Shield #7. (Now , I know Steranko only did the cover, but ...)

  8. Anonymous1/21/2013

    tThe fatale in "The Waterfront" has to be the template for Jessica Rabbit (green dress instead of red, but otherwise the same.. She was bad, she wasn't just drawn that way.
    By the way, love the comics
