Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Only a Rose!

Ahhh, computer and scanner issues resolved for the time being, we at THOIA appreciate your patience! And now, here's a neat little number from John Forte (and most likely Matt Fox), originally presented in the August 1953 issue of Spellbound #16... and what a mean-spirited tale it is at that, not only from the thorny female lead, but also from the hilarious narrative --you've gotta love that final panel epilogue, haha!


  1. Anonymous3/16/2011

    this is something I *haven't read before; but I've heard of it before; (from one of the other blogs listed to the side here*!)
    Real "O'Henry in Hell"/"O' Henry's Evil Twin" ending! (What did Shakespeare, I think, say about "being hoist on one's own petard"?

  2. Anonymous3/16/2011

    One of the nicest stories i have read so far on your blog(I have a sweet tooth you see). Chester

  3. Classic short horror story stuff! Loved it!

  4. Oy VAY!!!
    What a GREAT ending! I did not see it coming!

  5. nice, didn't see it coming either!

    CH-CHESTER...! jeez!

  6. I never thought a situation without Bugs Bunny would be even more appropriate for saying, "What a maroon!" But Helen is that much of a maroon.

  7. Total agreement on this one -- I thought for sure that it was some pre-code convoluted murder plan (the husband wanted to murder those women and tricked the wife into doing it), then the O'Henry ending really caught me off guard.

    Great story.

    Why didn't the wife just choke the other women? I mean, she has the physical strength to embed scissors into a heavy wooden door!

  8. Joe S. Walker3/17/2011

    He brings her flowers and chocolates, and then tells her they're another woman's cast-offs? That guy's got a nerve!

    Great story.

  9. I thought you guys would like this one, haha! Great comments, I appreciate everyone that wrote in... and as you can see I'm still delving into the Silver re-print versions (giving the Golden Age collection a breather.) Lots more left in March, don't wander off...

  10. Oh, talk about justice! I guess Helen shouldn't have eaten that candy before dinner, it gave her a nasty stomach ache!
