Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Monster from the Deep

From the November 1954 issue of Web of Evil #20, comes another atom bomb age thingie unleashed from the bottom of the sea-- one that no doubt could give even Godzilla a run for his money!


  1. Somebody needs to do a truly comprehensive "When Monsters Clash" and try and fit in all these great beasties. All the monsters from 50's sci fi movies and would be mind-boggling.

  2. i felt really sorry for the Professor- he was surrounded by every kind of idiot imaginable!

  3. >Somebody needs to do a truly comprehensive "When Monsters Clash"

    Get right on it Jeff--- I'll buy the first copy!

    >i felt really sorry for the Professor- he was surrounded by every kind of idiot imaginable!

    Well, I guess I can say I know how he feels sometimes.

    For those keeping score, this is another Web of Evil story in our "High Seas of Horror Fest" going on for a few posts... and did everyone like how in league with our last post from the Sargasso Sea, this one also ended with a guy screaming crazily and no one believing him?!!

  4. Is the treatment of the professor not typical of humans, though?
    A challenge to the mindset is repeatedly rebuffed by reactions defined by disbelief and shoved into the realm of impossibility.
    I have often used the Blaine levitation to get people's minds working just to see how they react.
    And the reaction is usually disbelief or denial.

  5. That poor bastard was so extremely dang crazy that his purely schizoid lunatic hallucinations became real and actually bit some people. I think he should be charged with assault with a madness weapon and put away forever. Perhaps Alcatraz? That's in the waters off San Francisco too, right? That should be perfect.
