Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Door

I don't know what these two lovebirds did to deserve a fate such as this, but leave it to the insane July 1954 issue of Weird Mysteries #11 to put them through the endless ringer of torment anyway.


  1. Yikes. This is one of those ones that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but somehow burrows right to the center of your mind. You almost wish you were reading it as a child so you could be traumatized forever.

  2. i'm actually more interested in the 3 for 2 dollars Lucky "Hand Root" mentioned in the ad at the end of the comic.

    thats the cheapest hand root i've seen in ages. wonder how much for a "bronx cheer"?


  3. Reminds me of all those Amicus films. Great post. I wish the story had ended with page 4, though.

  4. Short and not so sweet, but effective!

  5. >You almost wish you were reading it as a child so you could be traumatized forever.

    Haha, totally!

    >thats the cheapest hand root i've seen in ages. wonder how much for a "bronx cheer"?

    I think those ads usually ran in High Times mag, SP...

    >Reminds me of all those Amicus films.

    Definitely, and it wouldn't hurt to be lost in a catacomb with Joan Collins either!

    >Short and not so sweet, but effective!

    Same goes for the latest post, Weird Mysteries was the king comic for short, not so sweet, but effective precode horror.

    Thanks for the comments!!

  6. Anonymous1/04/2017

    [COMMENT NECROMANCY] The panel with the four doors reminds me of something quite different...

    "Wanna be a member? Wanna be a member?"
