Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sisters of the Witch / The Witch's Claws

Two tales of weird witchcraft from the Gold and Silver Age plunge you headlong into a month of horrific Halloween madness and October Eve thrills 'n chills! Of course, it's like that around here all year long anyway so for some it'll just be a continuation of what we do best. "Sisters of the Witch" is from the '53 issue of Tales of Horror #5, and "The Witch's Claws" is from the Oct. '74 issue of Terror Tales Vol 6 No 5.


  1. First of all, Great Banner!

    Second of all, you know I'm loving that Terror Tales story! It looks like A. Reynoso at first blush, going a bit light on his customary soot-filled blacks. I'll hope that Mike "the Man" Howlett confirms, though.

  2. A great pairing (I'm in the wine business). And even though the first one is arguably more polished, I'm still always drawn to the Eerie pubs. The first one is like a classic Hammer film and the second is like a low-budget Italian cannibal movie. Thanks for posting.

  3. great stories, great banner! must be brief, i have three beautiful sisters(and one witch)after me!...

  4. >The first one is like a classic Hammer film and the second is like a low-budget Italian cannibal movie.

    Haha, I love that perfect description--thanks Guybell! Putting it into that perspective makes me feel like pairing together more Drive-In style double headers this month!

    I'm glad everyone likes the new banner too, it's just a very slight color variation on the classic "Creeps by Night" paperback cover art from Belmont Books 1961 edition of weird tale reprints from the late 20's and early 30's. An awesome collection of stories if you can find it.

  5. Great stories, Karswell! And I have to say that the new banner up top is freakin' awesome, too.

    I hope you get a chance to stop by the Catacombs and check out my own "Strange Terrors" celebration this month, inspired again (like last year) by your own fine blog.

  6. Happy October (sorry I'm late). Man, I loved Sisters of the Witch. Anything that happens on Dead Witch Island has to be tops, and the two yellow panels from page four are lovely like Maxfield Parrish. But the most disturbing surprise about this one has to be that accidental red spotting on the fourth panel of page seven.

  7. For a minute, I thought I was looking at Mykal's excellent THE BLOODY PULP blog!!

    Excellent as always, Karswell! Love the comparison posting here! Yep- the Eerie Pubs story is indeed Reynoso. Looks like they blacked out his name for this reprint...
