Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Graveyard Wanderer

“Stupidest Killers Weekend” Day Two! So you think yesterday’s brainiac was stupid, wait’ll you get a load of the two geniuses in today’s ACG sidesplitter. Practically every page of this story is a scream as our two ridiculous bumblers overdose on the bumbles to the point of extreme hilarity. Even the cops in this one (who prefer to shoot first and ask questions later) are complete and utter imbeciles. I’ve read this story a few times now and continue to wonder if it was actually meant as a comedy, though it’s definitely funnier if it wasn’t.

From the March 1951 issue of Adventures into the Unknown #17

FYI: I'm going to search the long boxes soon and see if I can claw up some more numbskullery for another, longer version of this theme... too much fun for just a weekend. And if anyone has any suggestions (good, or preferably bad) let me know.

And starting tomorrow--- the January 1954 issue of The Beyond #24 in it's entirety! Lou Cameron zombies, hunchbacks, killer spiders, and talking skulls, it's gonna be great... you just wait!


  1. Anonymous7/27/2008

    Whoa. Cops in that town shoot first, and determine whether there's even been an actual crime later.

  2. I never knew the Keystone Kops killed people! Awesome!

  3. Cumulative exposure to the CO in that car probably did their IQs no good. Definitely one for the Darwin Awards. (The lighting could have done with some work in places - the page 3 panel with the "blackness lurking like a shrouded intruder" caption looks like broadest daylight. The monochrome blue in the panel above would have been better.)

  4. Artist Al Camy should've added one more page of story before the cops showed up, where Kate's ghostly spirit suddenly comes back and tries to fight off the other ghosts for her man, only to accidently flush herself down the toilet:

    "Sorry Walter, I triiiiiiiied..."

  5. Yeah,this guy is a criminal version of Homer Simpson. More than one "d'oh!" moment here. To be fair, Kate and the shoot first police give him a run for the money. Good pick!

  6. Anonymous7/27/2008

    everyone has pretty much nailed it already this morning, the stupidest criminals ever are usually the most interesting

  7. I can only assume that Walter and Kate are in their late teens and just look older, because they can't possibly have survived long enough to make their thirties, as dumb as they are. "Left too many loose ends" doesn't begin to cover it, Kate ...

  8. Great unintentional humour !

  9. Oh, you say that like suddenly revealing on page four you are an experienced medium is so uncommon!

  10. Anonymous7/27/2008

    Overdose on the bumbles made me laugh out loud. Yee gads this was one of the more seriously entertaining posts I've read here, nice work Karswell, I'll be back.
