Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday (To Me)

May Day! May Day! Karswell reaches another milestone today, the BIG 4-0… can you believe it? And is it any wonder I arrived on Walpurgis Day? Anyway, as mentioned we’ll be spending some time this week showcasing the art of my all-time fave--- Bill Everett! It’s my party and I’ll Everett if I want too.

Also this month you can look forward to an Ace monster fest, some Edgar Allan Poe posts, lots more horror movie related stuff, maybe more Ken Shannon, more blog cross-over promotions with Pappy, and lots more things that go blog in the night than any other blog in the blogosphere! The fun begins as soon as someone gets that spicy shish-kabob out of my face…


  1. Anonymous5/01/2008

    John will never eat shish kebab again!

  2. Happy Birthday, Karswell!

    May the undead tickle your fancy today (and I did appreciate that Ken Shannon tease, yay).

    Everett was great alright, and the four-armed chick brings up interesting possibilites .... for us degenerates that is.

  3. Whenever I see that pic I always think it's David Naughton--who incidentally I saw at Fangoria and totally forgot about.

    Anyway, Happy Birthday! And no, I'm not really the Vicar of VHS--I'm someone else wearing a perfectly life-like mask as part of my complicated revenge slasher scheme. And I'm KEE-RAZY! WOOBAWOOBAWOOBA! NYAH-NYAH-NAY!

  4. Anonymous5/01/2008

    Aww, 40 ain't so bad. I turned it last year and I'm still okay.

    I think...

    Happy birthday.

  5. Anonymous5/01/2008


  6. Happy Birthday, Karswell- though with the Everett post it would seem that you are giving us the gifts this year and not the other way around.

    May 40 treat you well!

  7. Hey Karswell, congrats on the big 40! I am turning 41 soon, so 40 is no big deal! Even though it's not father's day, you should still stumble around and croak "Where's my cake?"!

    Happy Birthday, and thanks for keeping me entertained with your awesome blog!

  8. Have a ghoul-of-a-good time on your birthday!

  9. Anonymous5/01/2008

    Happy birthday Karswell!just remember to feed Asmodeus the stripper inside the cake!...and thank you for giving me a reason to keep my internet connection.

  10. Happy birthday, Karswell! Many creepy returns.

  11. Happy belated birthday. Haven't you heard, 40 is the new 30.

  12. Anonymous5/03/2008


  13. Anonymous5/04/2008

    How sad, a man of 40 still reading comics. Just kidding, I'm 50 and still reading them. Happy birthday and may your comic collection grow with the years.
