Friday, October 10, 2014

The Lady Who Collected Dracula

Vance wrote in reminding me to post more Frank Robbins, so I dug around the crypt a little and unearthed this awesome bloodsucker classic written by Doug Moench --plus an art assist from Frank Springer. Robbins really amps up the sexy and sinister in this one, --so hang onto your fangs and BATten down the hatches!

From the November 1974 issue of Dracula Lives! #9.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. indicates the story is 10 pages. Did you omit page 6?

    Mestiere is right. The saga of the Garvers is continued from issue #8 "Last Walk on the Night Side".

  3. I'm counting 10 pages, also the point of this post is Frank Robbins art... the story can clearly be read without having to read the first part (which I don't have anyway)

  4. Was one of my favorite comic book stories from my childhood ... Thank you good Sir Karswell...!!!
    We still have our worn out copy of this issue....

  5. It's ten pages, and they're all here. Checked my Essential Tomb of Dracula vol.4.

  6. Robbins really shines in this one -- as a lot of people have said, Robbins can run hot and cold but here he's red hot. It's because the story calls for many shots of lanky people in strange poses, his more exaggerated style works great.

    I love the longer faced, open-jawed Dracula here. Gene Colan will forever be the most important Marvel Dracula artist, but Robbins comes in a close second here.

    The story? Rizzoli seems to be a bit of an idiot. He's prepared for Dracula but not for anybody else? Obviously he'd have to know Dracula would get the woman, and if she shows up, than it's obvious why. Wear a cross, man!

    One thing I love about this story, and it's very much Marvel's Dracula in a nutshell, how he just uses the woman as a tool, not knowing she's going to die or not, just not caring. His revenge is all that's important.

    There's a great issue of ToD where electricity or something brings back a corpse that takes revenge on somebody Dracula needed, and the corpse is not something he can kill, so the story ends with him howling his denied vengeance. It's a great character study.

  7. ToD 46 "Let us be wed in unholy matrimony".the beginning of a great story arc where Vlad will have to learn many things: that vengeance is vain, how to really love a woman, feel mercy for a mother and her child, and finally will "see the sun again", painfully stripped of his vampiric nature and his pride. Powerful stuff! Those were the days...

  8. As I said before, I've never been lucky enough to have an issue of DRACULA LIVES, but when it comes to BW horror magazines, the year 1974 does automatically mean something to me, and that's the Warren magazines. And even more than some by other publishers, this story makes me think of those. Especially the "cheesecake" type picture at the bottom of Page 6.

  9. I liked Mestiere's story, eerie as it was. Perhaps with Karswell's permission, on one day in October followers of THOIA could recount any mysterious event, happening, etc. they experienced, sort of like telling campfire tales over the internet to add chills to our bones on the dark nights before October 31st, All Hallows Eve.
    Unfortunately I have no such experiences to relate but I am interested in any that a THOIA follower might have had.
